Commitment of the management
PHT, a specialist in plastic compression, places the fulfilment of its customers’ needs and the quality of its techniques in plastics at the heart of its business.
Our quality assurance policy allows our customers to be sure that we fulfil our objectives in relation to:
- Products with optimum technical features, in compliance with REACH, RoHS and conflict mineral regulations.
- An accredited and effective quality of service.
- Responsiveness within all our processes.
This policy and its objectives are subject to performance indicators. To fulfil our policy, we decided to implement a quality management system leading to ISO 9001 certification.
As part of this long-term effort, we have undertaken to:
comply with the requirements of stakeholders and applicable regulations;
establish and use a process-based organisation;
identify and manage our risks and opportunities to carry out preventive measures;
make available the necessary resources for implementing this policy.
We also seek to sustain our brand image by training and empowering our staff through appropriate communications.
We depend on the active participation of all our staff to ensure our success in this process.